Railway To Nowhere

Location: Mandala Studio
Time: 1 hr 30 min
Railway to Nowhere is a thought-provoking drama that delves into the depths of a semi-absurd
reality.Rooted in the philosophy of how a broken system entraps lower-class citizens in an
inescapable maze, the play examines the inherent conflict that arises within individuals as they
seek order—clashing with themselves, society, and the universe at large.

At its core, Railway to Nowhere is a poignant rebellion led by ordinary citizens deemed insane by
the state.These characters, caught in a perpetual search for a great hero among the so-called
heroes who govern the system, embody the relentless hope that a savior will emerge to reform the
system. The play’s setting, a station of eternal waiting, symbolizes the dream of an ideal system
and the alluring yet unfulfilled promise of a destination never to be reached.Through a satirical
lens, the narrative critiques the order and economics of a fictional universe. It portrays a group of
characters waiting with questions, pain, and curiosity, their eyes set on an unseen hero. This hero,
they believe, holds the key to resolving their mess.
Start Date: July 19, 2024
End Date: July 28, 2024

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